How do I amend this code to .....


Mikey C

Hi all

Could anybody tell me how to amend the following code? Instead of
inserting the same link and text into the selected cell, I really need
it to create a link to the newest sheet (i.e. when the macro is run
more than once). So instead of linking to sheet "Template (2)'!A1"
every time, I would like it to increment.

Also, is it possible for the text to disply on the hyperlink to be
whatever is in cell A1 on the new sheet?

Sheets("Template").Copy After:=Sheets(47)
ActiveWindow.ScrollWorkbookTabs Position:=xlFirst
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:="",
SubAddress:= _
"'Template (2)'!A1", TextToDisplay:="'Template (2)'!A1"

If I haven't described very well just shout!




I would have thought it might be better to rename the Template (2)
sheet to something else that can be incremented (eg Results_1,
Results_2 etc) and that you can do this after your code. Add this line
after your code:


and add this routine to your macro:

Private Sub rename_sheet()
' Renames Template(2) sheet to Results_1, Results_2 etc
Dim my_sheet As Worksheet
Dim my_count As Integer
Set my_sheet = Worksheets("Template (2)")
my_count = 1
On Error Resume Next
my_sheet.Name = "Results_" & my_count
Do Until Err.Number = 0
my_count = my_count + 1
my_sheet.Name = "Results_" & my_count
End Sub

So, the first Template (2) sheet gets renamed to Results_1, If the
user then invokes the macro again Template (2) is created temporarily
and then gets renamed to Results_2, and so on.

I've not tested it fully in your situation, but I assume that Excel
will automatically change the hyperlink addresses.

Hope this helps.


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