How do I anchor a frame?



I'm constructing a template letter in Word.

I have imported a 'picture' to use as a header on page 1. I do not want to
use the header facitility because I do not want this info appearing on every

I want to use a frame to hold contact details that go along with the
'header'. I do not want to use the footer facility for this because I do not
want this info appearing on every page. I am using the footer to show "1 of
1" etc.

My problem is that I've done something wrong and now the frame, which is at
the bottom of the page is not anchored. Previously, additional text would
spill over onto page 2 leaving my frame at the bottom of page 1 - perfect!
Now (perfecting the 'picture' and re-importing into the frame) I have a
situation where additional text shoves the frame onto the second page.

Any ideas? It can't be that difficult - I've done it once inadvertantly
myself and then messed it up again.
All help appreciated - Thanks.

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