How do I apply a non-standard font size in Frontpage 2003



I have just upgraded to Frontpage 2003 and would link to be able to use font
sizes outside the standard 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 36 sizes shown in the drop
down on the toolbar in frontpage. Can I do this? And if so how.

Also it seems some of my installed fonts (eg Arial) no longer show up in the
font drop down - they were there for Frontpage 2000 - is there anything i
need to do here to get arial back into the menu?

Andrew Murray

You can actually type whatever font size you want in the Font dropdown box.
So if you want '13' instead of 12 or 14, just type '13' in the box

Any font installed on your system should show up in the font choices - don't
know why it wouldn't.

David Berry

You can use stylesheets (CSS) to make the font size anything you'd like. You
can use points, pixels, ems etc for font sizes. For example, if you wanted
the font to be 96Pt Arial you'd do this:

span.myFont { font-family: Arial; font-size: 92pt }


<p><span class="myFont">Test</span></p>


Points are for print, not websites.


David Berry

Really. That's interesting since most web sites are in points (PT) and when
you choose a font and size from the font menu you're picking a point size.
What do you use? All the choices I indicated are valid.


I would NOT say that most websites are in points. A very few are yes, but
they also are not using CSS or text formatting correctly. To display fonts
correctly they should be in px, em, or percent usually.

Points are a unit physical length. There are 72 points per inch. Now tell me
what size screen or what resolution will come out to exactly 72 points per
inch every time.....

To see how far off points can be see this chart


Thomas A. Rowe

There is no requirements or standards that says a web designer / developer must use CSS, etc. and as
long as the text appears in the browsers, then it is formatted correctly. Currently all browsers
support the choices Dave indicated in his reply.

I personally do not use CSS for much of anything, and prefer to stick with font tags, as it makes my
life easier then having to deal with CSS.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
Agents Real Estate Listing Network

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