How do I arrange my Notebook folders alphabetically?



Is is possible to rearrange the order of my folders in OneNote? If so how
does one do it?

Grant Robertson

Is is possible to rearrange the order of my folders in OneNote? If so how
does one do it?
These days you have to specify whether you are using OneNote 2003 or 2007


Thanks for the response. I'm using OneNote 2003 and it would appear that its
not possible to re-arrange its folders alphabetically. Until today I was not
aware of the 2007 beta version. Is it available to the general public? Can
you re-arrange its folders? I'll search this newsgroup for the answers.
Thanks again; Peter

John Waller

With either version you have to rearrange them manually by
dragging/dropping them.

A tedious procedure (depending on your data of course) that I hope will be
automated in the post-2007 version (unless some kind soul writes a Powertoy
beforehand) :)

Grant Robertson

With either version you have to rearrange them manually by dragging/dropping

In a previous discussion didn't some MS person or an MVP specifically say
that the folders in 2007 (renamed to "Section Groups") were always
alphabetical and could NOT be rearranged? I uninstalled it so I can't
check for sure.


Newbie said:
Is is possible to rearrange the order of my folders in OneNote? If so how
does one do it?

Thanks for the responses. This is how I eventuall accomplished my objective:

1) I made a hard copy of the OneNote alphabetical list from my HTML editor.
2) In MyNotebook I clicked on the first hard copy folder name, to open it.
3) Clicked on file in upper left corner.
4) Scrolled down to current folder and highlighted the move dialog box.
5) Placed curser in (move to this location) first occurance.
6) Clicked move button; and repeated process from A to Z.

Patrick Schmid

Yep. David from MS said so. This applies only to Section Groups though
and not Sections or Pages.

Patrick Schmid

Grant Robertson

"Grant Robertson"wrote in message
In a previous discussion didn't some MS person or an MVP specifically say
that the folders in 2007 (renamed to "Section Groups") were always
alphabetical and could NOT be rearranged?

pds- said:
Yep. David from MS said so. This applies only to Section Groups though
and not Sections or Pages.

Exactly, however this discussion is about Folders in ON 2003 and Section
Groups in 2007. And Ben Shore just told Newbie that, "With either version
you have to rearrange them manually by dragging/dropping them." in direct
response to Newbie's question of, "Can you re-arrange its folders?"

But the fact of the matter is that you can't rearrange ON 2003 folders by
dragging and dropping (you must use a dialog), nor can you rearrange ON
2007's Section Groups (folders) at all. So Ben's statement was incorrect
for both versions.

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