How do I backup and reinstall my current notes



How do I backup my onenote data, and how do I import it into onenote when I
reinstall my operating system and then office?



Erik Sojka

Copy the entire contents of your "My Notebook" folder to a CD or another hard
drive. This is found by default under C:\Documents and
Settings\<yourname>\My Documents. You might have moved it using Tools |
Options | Open and Save in which case take the entire folder specified there.

Once you have everything reinstalled, open up OneNote then close it, then
copy the "My Notebook" folder back to that location. the next time Onenote
starts, it should have all of your original files back.


Thank you Erik


Erik Sojka said:
Copy the entire contents of your "My Notebook" folder to a CD or another hard
drive. This is found by default under C:\Documents and
Settings\<yourname>\My Documents. You might have moved it using Tools |
Options | Open and Save in which case take the entire folder specified there.

Once you have everything reinstalled, open up OneNote then close it, then
copy the "My Notebook" folder back to that location. the next time Onenote
starts, it should have all of your original files back.

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