How do I balance a chckbook? what is the formula?



Im trying to balance a checkbook. How do I put in the function that will add
deposits and subtract withdrawls?


You would normally have at least a Date column (A), a column for
Deposits (B), a column for Withdrawals (C) and a Balance column (D) -
enter these headings in row 1:

A1: Date
B1: Deposit
C1: Withdrawal
D1: Balance

Highlight cells B2 to D20 (for example) and click Format | Cells |
Number (tab) then select Currency and choose your currency symbol - you
would normally have 2 decimal places. Click OK when you have set this

Highlight cells A2 to A20 and click Format | Cells | Number (tab) then
select Date and choose an appropriate style of date from the list.

You would normally have an opening balance (eg $100), so type 100 into
cell D2. In cell D3 enter this formula:


then highlight that cell and copy it down into D4 to D20.

Now you can enter some data - put a date in A3 and enter any deposits
in B3 and withdrawals in C3 (you don't have to have both). The formula
in D3 will now show what the current balance is. Add another date in A4
and a deposit or withdrawal in B4 or C4 and then D4 will reveal the
latest balance.

The latest balance is only shown when there is a date entered in column

Hope this helps.


Gord Dibben

If you find an answer, plaease pass it on.

My wife could use it<g>

If deposits and withdrawls are in one column, just enter the withdrawls as

Then use =SUM(A1:A346)

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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