How do I become a developer?


George Gee

Get a shedload of chemicals and trays and stuff,
take the exposed film out of your camera and ... er...
start developing!

At least, that's what I think you do, if it's anything different
I'm sure I'll be corrected. ;)

George Gee


I think you'll find some more helpful responses in your other posts of same
topic elsewhere. Best just to ask in one location - that way everyone can
see what has been offered as help and can elaborate on those comments, and
you only have to go to one place to see all the answers.

Besides, George Gee has limited his response to (presumably) the photography
world and has neglected such developers as land developers, housing
developers, real estate developers and of course - Software Developers.

George Gee

Told you I'd get it wrong!
This is a newsgroup for people with Excel problems,
specifically for new users, they could develop their film, or land
or houses, or software, and then use Excel to record their progress,
using charts, and graphs,and pivot tables, and stuff.
Think of the fun they'll have!

George Gee

JoAnn Paules [MVP]

One day? Are you serious? I've spent the last several days trying to
deconstruct a simple Excel macro and all I've accomplished so far is about 5
lines of code. I haven't even gotten down to the part where the macro tells
Excel what to do with the constants and variables.


JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]

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