How do i block or protect final date gantt??


Mike Glen

Hi PaseEscolar,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

I'm not sure what you mean. The finish date of your project is calculated for you. I suggest you create a milestone for project finish and link it to all your closing tasks. Then via Task Information/Advanced tab, enter a Deadline date that you want to preserve. Now, if the milestone is pushed out by earlier delays, the milestone Indicator column will give you a warning that the Deadline cannot be met. You will then need to tweak your project to save some time somewhere to bring it back to meet the Deadline.

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Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP
See for my free Project Tutorials

How do i protect or block this final date from Gantt????


PaseEscolar said:
How do i protect or block this final date from Gantt????

What exactly do you mean by "protect" or "block"? If you mean you want
to prevent anyone from making changes, then your only option is to write
protect the whole file. If you mean you want to prevent the date from
moving in a dynamic project, then you can set it as a deadline date,
(i.e. use Deadline field), and manage the project toward that goal.

Remember, NO dates are absolutely fixed. You either meet them or you
don't. As a project manager it is your job to do the best planning and
execution of that plan as is humanly possible. If you miss a critical
date, then hopefully you learned something for the next time. If you
beat the date, then good for you - hopefully you didn't cut corners to
get there. If you make the date exactly then you are either very good or
very lucky.

Project MVP

Rob Schneider

Can you please elaborate on what you want? From what "threat" or other
thing are you trying to protect? And what is a "final date gantt"?

There is not special security inside a MPP file. If one has a copy of
the MPP file anyone can change whatever they want. What you instead
need to focus on is securing the source or original MPP file from change
if it other people making changes.

You can set the "official" plan, prior to recording updates/status by
setting a Baseline. Read about Baselines in Project's Help.


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