how do I break the links between both header/footer


Ms. Munoz

I know how to go about the procedure for breaking the links between the
header and the footer. However, what I can't seem to do is to get my links
image button to work. It's a grey color so I can't use it. So that's would
be my question. How to get my links button to work.

Dawn Crosier, Word MVP

The Links button would be grayed out if the document was protected. OR
if your cursor is located in the first section of the document.

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"
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I know how to go about the procedure for breaking the links between the
header and the footer. However, what I can't seem to do is to get my links
image button to work. It's a grey color so I can't use it. So that's would
be my question. How to get my links button to work.

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