This discussion should have been titled "Transport Table Text to Row on
other Sheet"
I managed to solve the thing I wanted to do with RefEdit in the post titled
"Concatenate anyone?"
I've transported most of my data now, you've saved me a tremendous amount of
time. The final thing I have to do now is copy over the conditional data. I
have a some tables with the following headings/formats:
Question | Mandatory | Valid Values
Text | Y or N | Blank or Text
I have to copy the text over only where the Mandatory value = Y and I have
to include any Valid Values that apply. Please don't spend any time on this,
I can use a wee macro Bob Philips sent me to do this.
Many thanks for your help John, its more than appreciated.
I'll respond to each of these starting with a series of *****, hopefully it
won't get too messy
Please rate when your question is answered to help us and others know what
is helpful.
dd said:
I've replied inline to discuss several areas of the code, to see if I
understand it right.
Sub main()
Dim myRow As Integer '**this is for the current row to be used on sheet 1
Dim myString As String '**this is where the data below attribute is stored
Dim newRow As Integer '** this is for the current row on sheet 2
newRow = Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
'**change to newRow = 2, this tells where to start pasting in sheet 2
'Where Sheet2 is the target and Rows count identifies the number of rows
be populated with data.
'***This searches sheet2 column A from the bottom up and finds the last-
'***entered value, that way for each attribute, myString is in a new row
'I notice the End(xlUp) value is -4162 and the (Rows.Count... Value is
' This may need changed, because the text is pasted into a populated
worksheet. In order to get the
'data to match, i.e. one record to each row, the data needs to start in
'**changing where this is pasted is not a problem, I had assumed an empty-
'**I just started in cell(1,5) if you know the first is 2,5 and the second
is -
'** 3,5 then above and below set newRow=2 and erase the rest of the stuff-
'** below we will set to paste at 2,5, actually newRow,5
myRow = 1
'Points to the first row
'**On sheet 1, this is where data collection begins
For i = 1 To Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
'For all the cells in Column B...
If Cells(i, 2) = "Attribute" Then
myRow = i + 1
Do Until Cells(myRow, 2) = ""
'If the Cell in the second column is Attribute then myRow = the cells
until a blank cell is reached.
If myString = "" Then myString = Cells(myRow, 2) Else myString = myString
", " & Cells(myRow, 2)
'Mystring = one or more cells
myRow = myRow + 1
'Moves to the next row
'Unsure what this does, but I notice if I remove it I get an "If without
If block" error statement
'**The Do until line above tells the program to repeat a certain process
'**X is reached, in this case "", the first run only checks cell myrow,2
where -
'**myRow= the first row after attribute is found myrow=myrow+1 sets us up-
'** to check the next row for data and the loop starts the process of adding
'** to myString over again, Do's always have loops
'**erase this Sheets("Sheet2").Cells(newRow, 5) = myString***
'Cope mystring into Sheet2, a new row, Column5. John, this pastes the text
into Column 5 on the last
'populated row of the Sheet, downwards. How do I start at the second row
column 5?
'**change this line to cells(newRow,5)=myString