How do I calculate a date from a merge field?


Bianca Sergueeva

I have a merge document set up that uses a data source from a database. I
need to compute a date field to give me the date 1 day before the date from
the data. How do I do that?

Bianca Sergueeva

Thank for your response, but I still can't find the answer to my question -
can you point me to the right paragraph or just type in the calculation for
me? Many, many thanks indeed.


Charles Kenyon

This is more complex than you might imagine, but it can be done. See for information on the different
kinds of ways to make a date calculation work. It includes links to pages
with fields and an explanation of different macros that can be used instead
of fields. (You would be starting from your mergefield rather than from a
regular date field.)

Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

See also the MVP FAQ: which is awesome!
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Bianca Sergueeva

I must be really thick, but I still can't work out how to do the calculation.
I've managed to do it for 1 day before TODAY, but not 1 day before the date
from the date in the merge.

Please help!

Bianca Sergueeva

I managed to get there in the end!!! Your document is really good - just it
take a while to work out what the code represents (eg the one for today's

Thanks a million!!!


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