How do i calculate a field ?



I have a problem calculating fields The question said Create a query
that will create a new field that will calculate an amount. The new amount
is 7 % of current salary?

Ok the fields I have are Employee number , employee name, date hired,
dependents, Currency salary, and dept.

what the correct way to calculate 7 % of current salary? and the field
should be named Bonus paid

Jeff Boyce

Is this a homework assignment?


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP


yes its a home work

You should have paid more attention in math class.
This is simple math.
How would you compute the new amount using pencil and paper?
Then use the same formula in an Access query.
If this is a homework assignment, then the proper place to get help is
from your instructor. That's what he gets paid for.

Jeff Boyce

So you're asking us to do your homework?


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

John W. Vinson

I have a problem calculating fields The question said Create a query
that will create a new field that will calculate an amount. The new amount
is 7 % of current salary?

Ok the fields I have are Employee number , employee name, date hired,
dependents, Currency salary, and dept.

what the correct way to calculate 7 % of current salary? and the field
should be named Bonus paid

Use a query with an appropriate expression.

For a more detailed answer... study your course materials.


hi blue3509,

have you find out the way? you create a query, then put Employee number ,
employee name, date hired, dependents, Currency salary, and dept, then type
this Bonus:([Currency salary]*1.07) after the dept field. hope this answer
can help you.

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