How do I calculate exact difference between two dates in y,m,d.

  • Thread starter Muhammad Javaid Hassan
  • Start date

Muhammad Javaid Hassan

I tried to callculate the difference between 14.02.1980 and 21.02.1985, but
excel does not give the exact difference in years, months and days.
I used the formula
=DATEDIF(A10,B10,"Y")&"Years, "&DATEDIF(A10,B10,"YM")&"Months,

Ron Coderre

When I copied your formula from the screen and pasted it into Excel, it
5Years, 0Months, 7Days.

That value is correct.
You don't mention what value is returned by the formula you used.


XL2002, WinXP

Muhammad Javaid Hassan

Thanks for the feedback, try the formula on 14.02.1980 to 01.04.1995, the
result is
15 years, 1 month, 18 days whereas actual difference is 15 years, 1 month,
17 days.

Ron Coderre

OK....see if this makes sense

With 14.02.1980 to 01/04.1995

Feb-14-1980 to Feb-14-1995: 1 year
Feb-14-1995 to Mar-14-1995: 1 month
Mar-14-1995 to Apr-01-1995: 18 days

Does that help?

XL2002, WinXP

Muhammad Javaid Hassan

Thanks, yes it has sense and now I understand how Excel calculates the
difference in dates which seems the correct way. I have another problem,
please help me on that if you or anybody else can. I need to convert amount
written in one cell in figures ($20500) in words in the next cell or any
other cell (Dollar Twenty Thousand Five Hundred Only). Is there any formula
in Excell for that.
Muhammad Javaid Hassan

Muhammad Javaid Hassan

Thanks, I think it make sense. Actually it is the way Excel works out the
difference in two dates and seems the correct way.
I have another problem, please you or anyone help me on this if possible.
I am trying to convert amount written in one cell in figures ($20560) to
amount in words in the next or any other cell (Dollar Twenty Thousand Five
Hundred Sixty Only). Can it be done in Excel?
Muhammad Javaid Hassan

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