how do i calculate the difference between two numbers?



I am having difficulty in finding the difference between two numbers,
i have two cloumns which have for example the numbers C3=2 and D3=10, where
the difference would be E3=8 and numbers C4=12 and D4=7 where the difference
would be E4=5, how do i do this in excel without getting negative numbers
such as C3-D3=-8?
thank you for your help,


i have two cloumns which have for example the numbers C3=2 and D3=10, where
the difference would be E3=8 and numbers C4=12 and D4=7 where the difference
would be E4=5, how do i do this in excel without getting negative numbers
such as C3-D3=-8?


Barb Reinhardt

The difference would be calculated as


The absolute value of this is



Thank you very much,
i am having difficulty, the cell displays as =ABS(C3-D3) how do i get it to
display as a number?
Thanks again

David Biddulph

It sounds like you've got the cell formatted as text. Format the cell as
General or Number. You may need to go back to the formula and perhaps
delete the = sign and re-enter.
The other thing is to look at Tools/ Options/ View, and make sure that the
"formulas" box is not checked.

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