How do I calculate the mode of a column of IP addresses?



I've got a column of IP addresses in another worksheet. I want to find the
most common IP address, so I use this formula: =MODE('18th'!C:C) where "18th"
is the worksheet and C is the column for which I want the mode.

The result is #NUM!

Tushar Mehta

I've got a column of IP addresses in another worksheet. I want to find the
most common IP address, so I use this formula: =MODE('18th'!C:C) where "18th"
is the worksheet and C is the column for which I want the mode.

The result is #NUM!
IP addresses are a *string* of numbers and MODE ignores them.

Consider creating a PivotTable and using the 'Top {n}' option with n set to

create the PT with the IP header as the row field and the data field. XL
will automatically create a COUNT(IP header) as the data field.

Double-click the row field header. Click Advanced... Set the 'Top 10
AutoShow' to 'On' and set the number next to Show Top to 1.


Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions

David Billigmeier

It is because MODE() only works on numerical values. Try this for a range of
strings (like your IP addresses), replace "rng" with your range:


David Billigmeier

One caveat I forgot to include in my previous post, you need to enter that as
an array formula, so commit it with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.


Thanks, all, for the helpful information. I was able to get it to work,
though will need to put it elsewhere and then finesse it for my summaries. I
must say, when what I want to do is show the most-common string, and the
2nd-most-common, and so on ... that's a lot of hoops to jump through!

Much appreciation for your assistance here; with this working my work is
much simpler.


Tushar Mehta

Thanks, all, for the helpful information. I was able to get it to work,
though will need to put it elsewhere and then finesse it for my summaries. I
must say, when what I want to do is show the most-common string, and the
2nd-most-common, and so on ... that's a lot of hoops to jump through!
Not sure why a PivotTable would be "lots of hoops to jump through." All you
would do is select Top {n} where n is a number you provide. Same effort for
Top 1 as for Top 10.


Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions

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