How do I calculate the next recurrence date?


Warren Gamley

I am trying to show a column that tells me the next recurrence date of an
appointment after today. For example, if the start date of an appointment was
01/01/2007 and the appointment recurred annually, then the next recurrence
date after today (07/26/2009) would be 01/01/2010. How do I create a formula
for this in a column within Outlook 2007?

Dmitry Streblechenko

Outlook Object Model only lets you pass a date to
RecurrencePattern.GetOccurrence. so you pretty much need to know the date in
advance unless you loop through all available dates and handles a returned
COM exception if thereis no occurrence on the given date.
<plug> Redemption on the other hand lets you pass either a date or an
integer index - </plug>

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool

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