How do I calculate the z factor automatically



How do I calculate the z factor automatically by using Hall-Yarborogh equation without changing (Y) every time to reach F=0 ?
if any body know .please answer me.

Thank you very much


EggHeadCafe - .NET Developer Portal of Choice


How do I calculate the z factor automatically by using
Hall-Yarborogh equation without changing (Y) every time
to reach F=0 ?

This relates to a high-specialized area of engineering. If you
the formulas here, __maybe__ someone could help you. But I suspect
this requires more knowledge of the science than of Excel. You might
get some "hint" by looking at z.xls that apparently comes with the
book "Petroleum Production Engineering" by Boyun Guo (2007).

PS: Please do not "crosspost" manually in multiple related groups.

David Biddulph

Those who multi-post will usually be ignored.

As most regular contributors to the group are getting fed to the back teeth
of folk posting through EggHeadCafe who rarely have any clue about
netiquette, does anyone know of an easy way of setting up a message rule in
OE for rejecting EggHeadCafe posts? If it were e-mail I could easily set up
such a rule based on message content, but I can't immediately see how to do
it for news messages. I'm sure it would be easy to filter such posts out
using a more capable newsreader, of course.

Harlan Grove

David Biddulph said:
. . . does anyone know of an easy way of setting up a message rule in OE
for rejecting EggHeadCafe posts? If it were e-mail I could easily set
up such a rule based on message content, but I can't immediately see how
to do it for news messages. . . .

Can't be done in OE. Might not even be possible with a real newsreader since
there's nothing I can spot in this particular OP's message header that would
indicate it comes from EggHeadCafe. Maybe some newsreader will filter
messages by message body contents, but I haven't used any that do.

David Biddulph

joeu2004 said:
This relates to a high-specialized area of engineering. If you
the formulas here, __maybe__ someone could help you. But I suspect
this requires more knowledge of the science than of Excel. You might
get some "hint" by looking at z.xls that apparently comes with the
book "Petroleum Production Engineering" by Boyun Guo (2007).

PS: Please do not "crosspost" manually in multiple related groups.

If he'd crossposted it wouldn't have been such a problem, but he multiposted
(and then did so again).


If he'd crossposted it wouldn't have been such a problem, but he multiposted
(and then did so again).

That's what I mean by the word "crosspost" in quotes followed by the
word "manually" is specified. Many people (incorrectly) use the term
"crosspost" generically to mean multiposting or true crossposting.

But the fact is: we really do not know who the culprit is. I have
seen newsreaders that seem to have a "crossposting" feature, but
internally the newsreader (not the user) multiposts.

I should have omitted the word "manually" in my comment. But I stand
by my use of the term "crosspost" in quotes.

Sandy Mann

Harlan Grove said:
You're "right".

Is this another sign of your emerging sense of humour Harlan? <g>


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