I’m assuming you get this error when you open the Excel file.
There are two files. The Excel file and the Query file. The Query file
extension is .dqy.
The Query file is by default stored in a hidden file on the computer where
the Query was originally written. The path is:
C:\Documents and Settings\richard.brown\Application Data\Microsoft\Queries
In my case richard.brown above is my name and refers to my computer
You would put your profile name there.
If the Excel file was emailed to you or otherwise copied to our computer
then you don’t have the Query file and therefore can’t cancel or otherwise
use the Query file.
Even if both files were put on your computer you still couldn’t as the
is pointing to the original creators path.
If you still need the Query file then you must get it from its hiding
If on the other hand you just want to cancel the Query from running the
way I would know how to do this is to create a new profile on your
and recreate the same path as the original Query and then create a Query
the same name and then you can cancel the Query.
There must be a way to easily change the path but I don’t know how.
Good luck.
Barb said:
I am trying to open a file that was created by another user no longer
the company. When I open the file I get the following message:
"Cannot find XLQuery.XLA!Register.DClick, which has been assigned to run
each time "[file name]worksheet name with in the file" is opened.
This comes up each time I open the file and I want to get rid of it. How
I do that?