How do I capitalize a word when using voice recognition?



I'm using office 2003 with voice recognition software. When I am in
dictation mode, how do I tell it to capitalize a word?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

What kind of voice recognition software is it? Have you consulted the Help files for the application?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

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After furious head scratching, meuwissenp asked:

| I'm using office 2003 with voice recognition software. When I am in
| dictation mode, how do I tell it to capitalize a word?

Bob I

Excerpt from Windows Language bar Help on "commands".

Capitalization commands
Say To
"Capitalize" or "Cap that" Capitalize the first letter of every word in
the last phrase or the selected text.
"Uncapitalize" or "No caps that" Make all letters lowercase in the last
recognized phrase or the selected text.
"All caps that" Capitalize all letters in the last phrase recognized or
the selected phrase.
"Cap it phrase" Capitalize the first letter of the first word in the
"All caps phrase" Capitalize all the letters of the first word in the
"No caps phrase" Make all letters in the first word of the phrase

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