How do I center align the photo caption in Photo Gallery?


web goddess

I have created a photo gallery using FrontPage 2003. I have chosen a
horizontal layout in Photo Gallery and the captions under the photos are left
aligned. The photos themselves are centered. How do I center the caption
under the photo?

Chris Leeds, MVP-FrontPage

go into the photogallery folder, there's a subfolder there for each specific
open the one for your particular gallery. look for a page called real.htm
you can set your cursor in the text below each picture and center it or
center the text by manipulating the cell properties.
be warned, next time you open the gallery via clicking it and going into the
galleries properties dialog the changes you manually make will be lost.
I usually do it only after I'm satisfied with the gallery.
one thing I liked to do (I don't use the gallery much anymore) was to make
the thumbnails open the larger version in a new window. (just right click
the first thumbnail, select hyperlink properties, set the target to _blank,
and before leaving the dialog box check the "make page default" box. all
your larger images will open in a new window.


Chris Leeds,
Microsoft MVP-FrontPage

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