How do I center an entire page for browsers for Frontpage 2003?



How would I be able to center an entire page on my website with Frontpage
2003? I want to know this so no matter what screen size you have the
information will always be in the middle of the browser.

Stefan B Rusynko

If your site uses tables for the layout center the tables

| How would I be able to center an entire page on my website with Frontpage
| 2003? I want to know this so no matter what screen size you have the
| information will always be in the middle of the browser.


The most reliable way, no matter what your site uses would require you to
get into some code.

Change this -


to this -

<style type="text/css">
body { text-align:center; }
#wrapper { text-align:left; width:760px; margin:0 auto;position:relative; }
/* 760px will display on an 800px screen maximized browser window without */
/* horizontal scrollbars. */

change this -

<body ...>

to this -

<body ...>
<div id="wrapper">

and this -


to this -

<!-- /wrapper -->

and see if that helps.


The best and most code-efficient way is to enclose the entire page content in <center>
tags, as in:


.... content goes here ...




Utter nonsense. Not only is this technique deprecated since HTML3, but also
it cannot affect the behavior of any absolutely positioned elements.

Bill O

Why not:

<style type="text/css">
body { margin-left: 10%; margin-right: 10%; }

Of course this goes between your <head> </head> tags

That's what I do, and my page is centered in the browser window.


Not if you have any absolutely positioned elements on the page. Also, not
if your page is a fixed width.


Sorry, Murray, you are the one filled with utter nonsense. "Depreciated"? Are you one of
those tech dweebs that actually believes that browsers will no longer support the
"depreciated" features? What nonsense!

Intelligent web designers will continue to use "depreciated" tags such as <center>
simply because they use the least amount of code. Look at some of the code-fat solutions
being suggested here.

Browsers will support these depreciated tags forever and ever.

So, stop spouting utter nonsense Murray. I can't stop laughing! What a silly comment!

Seriously - "depreciated"???


Andrew Murray

The word Murray used is "deprecated" not "depreciated". I Googled the word
and results page 1 came up with these top entries (search term was
'deprecated definition').

"In computer software standards and documentation, the term deprecation is
applied to software features that are superseded and should be avoided."


Google: "Strongly disapproved of; Belittled; insulted; Obsolescent; said of
a construct in a computing language considered obsolete but still available
for use, though planned to be phased out"


Hope this resolves the argument; Murray's use of the word "deprecated" was
correct in the context of this discussion.


Blame spell-check.

Substitute "deprecated" for "depreciated" in my post.

I'll always use the most code-efficient solution. So does Google, who uses the
DEPRECATED <center> tag on their websites.

To put it another way - all my moneymaking websites have one thing in common - they load


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