How do I change color on selected items in my Inbox?



I was able to change the color of an item in my Inbox (not the body of the
message, just the date/subject/from info. displayed before I open the
e-mail). I have no idea how I did it and haven't been able to do it since.
I'd like to use color only for particular e-mails - rather than, for example,
all e-mails from a particular person.


It looks like you activated the "automatic formatting" for one or all your
Click right on the header of the inbox and select Custom... - you get the
"Customize View: Messages" windows.
Click the button "Automatic Formatting" and check if you added an own rule.
With the Delete button you can delete the rule.


Open the INBOX
click Organize
click Using colors
set: Color messages from XXX in (choose your color) and click Apply.

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