How do I change format of footnotes?



I am using Turabian format for a paper, I am usin Wird 2997. I cannot get
the short line between the body and the text and the footnote, nor can I get
rid of the double space between the separator and the footnotes which is
needed in Turabian.

Stefan Blom

If you are using Word 2007: Switch to Draft view (View tab | Draft). Click
the References tab, and then click Show Notes. In the footnote pane, choose
the "Footnote Separator" item. Click Reset to restore the original

To clear any spacing applied to the footnote separator: On the Page Layout
tab of the ribbon, in the Paragraph group, set Spacing Before and After to

To get rid of the separator, you can select it and press Delete.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message
news:[email protected]...


This partially answered my question. I had started the document in Word
2002 using Endnotes for the Turabian formatting. Some footnotes are occuring
with correct format and some are not. Additionally the separator line has
moved. Will this cure all of my problems or will I have to format the
footnotes a page at a time? Thank you.

Stefan Blom

The separator only has to be modified once (but note that there also is a
footnote continuation separator that has possibly also been modified). To
format the footnote text, you can select all of it in the Footnotes pane and
apply formatting (including styles) as required.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message
news:[email protected]...

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