How do I change my x-y scatter chart to show my column x values i.



I have fairly long columns of x and Y values. The x values range form 3039 to
3257 and the y values from 1.9 to 0.85. When I plot these on an x-y scatter
charts the X values come out as 0 to 250 instead of with the 3000 value range.

In another similar set of columns I get exactly what I want with the x axis
rangeing from 3000 to 3300. I cannot figure out why one set works right but
the other does not.

What should I do to correct the first chart to the x range I need?

Andy Pope


Make sure that the incorrect chart is infact an xy-scatter and not a
line chart. Right click the chart and check the chart type setting.



"LHR" wrote:
I have solved te problem I alluded to below and thank whoever tried to help
me with a response.
The culprits were several very wrong values in the long columns of numbers I
was trying to plot. These skewed the displayed scale requirements and also
reduced the number of data points where a value was missing entirely. Hence I
could not get the program to plot the way it should.
It would be nice if the plotting program had some way of either ignoring or
force it to do so, of far away so-called "outliers".

Tushar Mehta

To not plot outliers, set the max. scale of the axis to a number that
makes sense to you. Double-click the axis; in the resulting dialog
box, select the Scale tab.


Tushar Mehta
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