Ah, okay. What I'm doing is creating a ppt to be exported as a pdf, so it can be read.
I can see where that might occasionally want changes to orientation, but still, if they're reading it
on screen, the screen won't change orientation, so pages that don't match the screen will have to
shrink to fit. Better to format everything for screen proportions in the first place. Or so my
opinion would have it.
One thing you can do, if you have Acrobat, is to insert pages from one PDF into another. You could
create your portrait stuff in one PPT, your landscape stuff in another, make PDF of both then insert
the needed pages from the one PDF into the other. Or from the other into the one. said:
I found PowerPoint to be a much more flexible tool than word for creating docs that have objects such
as pictures and embedded tables than word.
Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP