How do I change shortcuts (large icons) in File/Open dialog box?



Using Microsoft Word 2000.

Go to File/Open

How do I change the given shortcuts (by the large icons) to History, My
Documents, Desktop etc. to ones of my choice (I would like a shortcut in this
format to my company's network server drive where all my work is carried out
in another 'My Documents' folder - perhaps I could re-map the My Documents

Thank you for assistance.


Thank you, Jay, for a very thorough answer. Trouble is, I'm a bit worried
about fiddling with the registry on my home PC and I've no administrative
rights at work to do so - but I may yet try at home. The administrators at
work won't allow the mod because our PCs are shared. Oh well, but thanks
again for help and prompt reply. Regards, msq

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Get your company to upgrade to Office XP or 2003, and you can modify the
Places Bar without having to edit the Registry.

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