Hi Crystal,
If you select a WordArt object then go Format|WordArt...|Colors and
Lines tab|Color:|More Colors|Custom tab, you can use virtually any
color. I guess you will have to visually match with your colors, unless
you happen to know their RGB values.
To make your logo rotate you need to firstly ensure that it is not
formatted as "in line with text". Either "In front of text" or "Behind
text" are probably the best, though you do get an interesting effect if
there is any type of text wrapping.
To format the WordArt...
1. Select it
2. Go Format|WordArt|Layout tab then select the appropriate layout
To make your logo rotate you secondly need to know its name. To
determine that you need to select your logo then go into the Visual
Basic Editor, where you can type a line of code that will return the
name that Word has given your logo (better still, you could rename your
logo to something more meaningful eg "My Logo")
Follow these steps to find or change your logo's name...
1. Select the logo
2. Either press Alt + F11 or go Tools|Macro|Visual Basic Editor to get
into the Visual Basic Editor.
3. In the Visual Basic Editor go View|Immediate Window to open up the
Immediate Window.
4. Type the following into the Immediate Window...
5. After pressing Enter your logo's name will appear on the next line.
6. To change your logo's name type the following into the Immediate
application.selection.shaperange(1).name = "My Logo"
7. After pressing Enter your logo's name will be changed to "My Logo",
so change the name to suit your needs.
8. Return to Word by either pressing Alt +F11 or going File|"Close and
Return to Microsoft Word"
After you have found your logo's name (or renamed it) you can run the
following code that will make it rotate. I assume you only want your
logo rotating on your finished documents, since editing a document that
has continually running macro code is a little painful, the flashing
cursor is rarely visible, making it a little difficult to see where you
are positioned in the document while editing.
Public Sub SpinLogo()
'Change "My Logo" to suit your situation
'Increasing the value of the integer after IncrementRotation
'will increase speed of rotation
ActiveDocument.Shapes("My Logo").IncrementRotation 1
End Sub
Follow these steps to get the code into the Visual Basic Editor...
1. Copy the code
2. Go to your Word document
3. Press Alt + F11 or go Tools|Macro|Visual Basic Editor to get into
the Visual Basic Editor.
4. In the Visual Basic Editor go Insert|Module
5. Paste the code into the blank module that appears
6. Press Alt + F11 or go File|"Close and Return to Microsoft Word"
To get your logo to rotate go Tools|Macro|Macros...then either double
click its name (SpinLogo) in the list or single click its name in the
list the click Run.
A better idea however would be to have the code run automatically when
the document is opened by converting the code to a Document_Open Event
To do that copy the following code then follow the steps to get it into
Private Sub Document_Open()
'Change "My Logo" to suit your situation
'Increasing the value of the integer after IncrementRotation
'will increase speed of rotation
ActiveDocument.Shapes("My Logo").IncrementRotation 1
End Sub
1. Press Alt + F11 or go Tools|Macro|Visual Basic Editor to get into
the Visual Basic Editor.
2. In the Visual Basic Editor go View|Project Explorer to open up the
Project Explorer window (it was probably already opened, this just
ensures it visibility)
3. Look for the ThisDocument icon that represent the document with your
logo. Double click that icon (has a blue W and is under the
Document's name in the Explorer tree).
This opens up the ThisDocument code module.
4. Paste the code into that code module
5. Save then return to Word by either pressing Alt + F11 or going
File|"Close and Return to Microsoft Word"
If you find the macro doesn't work it is most likely because your
Security level setting is too high. The level should be set at Medium
so that when the document is opened the user has the option of either
Enabling or Disabling Macros by clicking the appropriate button on the
Security Warning dialog.
To set Security to Medium go Tools|Macro|Security... select
Medium|OK|Close the document. When you reopen the document your logo
should be rotating.
Should you at any stage require that the logo stop rotating all you
have to do is press Control + Pause.
Hope this all makes sense.
Ken Johnson