How do I change the due date of many tasks at the same time?



Moving the tasks from yesterday to today can be a pain because you can only
change the due date one at a time. I am looking for a way to move them all
at once.


Sorry but it cannot be done. You can only mass modify the check marks or
delete them, but the due dates have to be changed individually. Most times
the due date isn't changed - it just becomes 'late'. (wink) I would suggest
making the due date well into the future. It is much easier to change the
due date to the day you actually finish the task then it is to move several
forward on a daily basis. Cheers.


CorpTechGuy said:
Sorry but it cannot be done. You can only mass modify the check marks or
delete them, but the due dates have to be changed individually. Most times
the due date isn't changed - it just becomes 'late'. (wink) I would suggest
making the due date well into the future. It is much easier to change the
due date to the day you actually finish the task then it is to move several
forward on a daily basis. Cheers.

Is there a way to create a macro?


I have the tasks sorted by due date. Then I just update one task. Then I
pick up and move the rest of them into the new due date.


Yes you can do this. First you have to "Group" your items by "Due Date".
(Ask if you don't know how to do that). Now you will see a light blue bar
with yesterday's date as a header. Just click and drag the header of the
Group from Yesterday's date to the header of Today's Date. If you don't
have a group hearder of today's date, then follow Tom's suggestion, just
change one item of yesterday to today, then you will get a hearder with
Today's date, and can follow the above directions.Now you can change "Group"
to none if you want to, and all of your yesterday items will still be listed
with Today's due date.


Oops. In my previous message I mentioned "Tom's" suggestion. I meant "Andy
R". Tom was asking Andy R how to do it.


RDM - I tried what you suggested below but my headers will not drag and drop.
I just get the "no" circle. Is this only available in a certain edition of
Outlook maybe? I'm using 2003. He claims he use to be able to highlight
numerous tasks (not headers) and drag and drop those into new date groupings?


TLA - Sorry it took so long for me to reply, I didn't receive a notification.
I have Outlook 2003 also. Make sure you are dragging one blue header to
another blue header instead of the white area where the individual tasks are

If that still doesn't work (for reasons unknown to me), you can click the
first task under that category, then hold the shift key down while you click
the last task in the list (which highlights all of the tasks listed in that
category), then drag them to the blue header that you want to move them to.

I hope that works for you.

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