How do I change the font in the reading pane?


1951 Joe

My 54 year old eyes are having trouble reading the tiny print in the reading
pane of Outlook. How can I enlarge the font so that I can read it easily?


You could lower the resolution. Right click on desktop > Properties >
Settings > Screen Resolution

Brian Tillman

1951 Joe said:
My 54 year old eyes are having trouble reading the tiny print in the
reading pane of Outlook. How can I enlarge the font so that I can
read it easily?

If you have a scroll wheel on your mouse, you may be able to hold CTRL and
use the scroll wheel to change the size. I believe it depends on the
version of Outlook whether or not that feature exists. I know Outlook 2003
will behave that way. I have 54-year-old eyes as well.

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