You posted this in the developer grouup- do you want to do this through VBA?
If not, Format, Text Styles is the mùenu path you need.
If yes, here is the help on the textstyles method:
Project Developer Reference
Application.TextStyles Method
Sets the text styles for tasks and resources in the active view.
expression.TextStyles(Item, Font, Size, Bold, Italic, Underline, Color,
CellColor, Pattern)
expression A variable that represents an Application object.
Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
Item Optional Long The type of text to change. Can be one of the
following PjTextItem constants. If the Gantt Chart is active:
pjAll pjGanttMajorTimescale
pjNoncritical pjGanttMinorTimescale
pjCritical pjBarTextLeft
pjMilestone pjBarTextRight
pjSummary pjBarTextTop
pjProjectSummary pjBarTextBottom
pjMarked pjBarTextInside
pjTaskFilterHighlight pjGanttExternalTask
If the Task Usage view is active:
pjAll pjTaskFilterHighlight
pjCritical pjTaskMajorTimescale
pjMarked pjTaskMinorTimescale
pjMilestone pjTaskRowColumnTitles
pjNoncritical pjTaskUsageAssignmentRow
pjProjectSummary pjTaskUsageExternalTask
If the Task Sheet is active:
pjAll pjProjectSummary
pjCritical pjSummary
pjMarked pjTaskSheetExternalTask
pjMilestone pjTaskFilterHighlight
pjNoncritical pjTaskRowColumnTitles
If the Resource Graph view is active: pjAll, pjAllocated,
pjOverallocated, pjGraphMajorTimescale, pjGraphMinorTimescale, pjTickLabels,
or pjLegendLabels. If the Resource Usage view is active: pjAll, pjAllocated,
pjOverallocated, pjResourceFilterHighlight, pjResourceRowColumnTitles,
pjResourceMajorTimescale, pjResourceMinorTimescale, or
pjResourceUsageAssignmentRow. If the Resource Sheet is active: pjAll,
pjAllocated, pjOverallocated, pjResourceFilterHightlight, or
Font Optional String The name of the font. The Font argument is
ignored if the active view is the Network Diagram and Item is not pjAll.
Size Optional Integer The size of the font in points. The Size
argument is ignored if the active view is the Network Diagram and Item is
not pjAll.
Bold Optional Boolean True if the font is bold.
Italic Optional Boolean True if the font is italic.
Underline Optional Boolean True if the font is underlined.
Color Optional Long The color of the font. Can be one of the following
PjColor constants:
pjColorAutomatic pjNavy
pjAqua pjOlive
pjBlack pjPurple
pjBlue pjRed
pjFuchsia pjSilver
pjGray pjTeal
pjGreen pjYellow
pjLime pjWhite
CellColor Optional Variant
Pattern Optional Variant
Return Value
Using the TextStyles method without specifying any arguments displays the
Text Styles dialog box.
As for gridlines, Format, Gridines s the menu path.
Here's the VBA help:
Project VBA 2007 > Reference > Application Object > Methods
Project Developer Reference
Application.GridlinesEdit Method
Edits gridlines.
expression.GridlinesEdit(Item, NormalType, NormalColor, Interval,
IntervalType, IntervalColor)
expression A variable that represents an Application object.
Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
Item Required Long The gridline to edit. Can be one of the following
PjGridline constants. If the Gantt Chart is active: pjBarRows,
pjGanttCurrentDate, pjGanttPageBreaks, pjGanttProjectFinish,
pjGanttProjectStart, pjGanttRows, pjGanttSheetColumns, pjGanttSheetRows,
pjGanttStatusDate, pjGanttTitleHorizontal, pjGanttTitleVertical,
pjMajorColumns, or pjMinorColumns. If the Calendar view is active:
pjCalendarDays, pjCalendarWeeks, pjTitleHorizontal, pjTitleVertical,
pjDateBoxTop, or pjDateBoxBottom. If the Resource Graph is active:
pjMajorVertical, pjMinorVertical, pjHorizontal, pjGraphCurrentDate,
pjGraphTitleHorizontal, pjGraphTitleVertical, pjGraphProjectStart,
pjGraphProjectFinish, or pjGraphStatusDate. If the Task Sheet or Resource
Sheet is active: pjSheetColumns, pjSheetRows, pjSheetTitleHorizontal,
pjSheetTitleVertical, or pjSheetPageBreaks. If the Task Usage or Resource
Usage view is active: pjUsageColumns, pjUsageRows, pjUsageSheetRows,
pjUsageSheetColumns, pjUsageTitleHorizontal, pjUsageTitleVertical, or
NormalType Optional Variant The type for normal gridlines. Can be one
of the following PjLineType constants: pjNoLines, pjContinuous, pjCloseDot,
pjDot, or pjDash.
NormalColor Optional Long The color of normal gridlines. Can be one of
the following PjColor constants:
pjColorAutomatic pjNavy
pjAqua pjOlive
pjBlack pjPurple
pjBlue pjRed
pjFuchsia pjSilver
pjGray pjTeal
pjGreen pjYellow
pjLime pjWhite
Interval Optional Integer A number from 0 to 99 that specifies the
interval between gridlines.
IntervalType Optional Long The type for secondary gridlines. Can be
one of the PjLineType constants.
IntervalColor Optional Long The color of secondary gridlines. Can be
one of the PjColor constants.
Return Value
The following example changes the gridlines to red.
Visual Basic for Applications
Sub Gridlines_Edit()
'Activate Gantt Chart view
ViewApply Name:="&Gantt Chart"
GridlinesEdit Item:=pjMajorColumns, NormalColor:=pjRed
End Sub
Hope this helps,
Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32 495 300 620
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