How do I change the measurement units in Access forms?


David Price

I'm not happy using centimeters as a measurement unit in access... is there
anyway i can change this to use pixels instead?

If Access would align to the grid exactly on the cm/mm i wouldnt have a
problem, but it doesn't and i'm very specific about where i want my form
elements to be.

Also, using VBA to move elements around the form gets complicated when i
have to state 12.678cm instead of simply 600 (pixels).

'69 Camaro

Hi, David.
I'm not happy using centimeters as a measurement unit in access... is there
anyway i can change this to use pixels instead?

Access uses twips for measurements. However, since these are fractions of
an inch (1440 twips per inch), you may want to switch to inches for your
measurements and keep your alignments on the grid.

To do so, open the Windows Control Panel, and select "Regional and Language
Options" to open the Regional and Language dialog window. Select the
"Regional Options" tab and select the "Customize..." button to open the
Customize Regional Settings dialog window. Select the "Measurement system"
combo box and change it from "Metric" to "U.S." Select the "OK" button on
the two dialog windows to save your change. (You may have to close and
reopen Access for the change to take effect, but I don't recall having to
reboot for the change to take effect.)
If Access would align to the grid exactly on the cm/mm i wouldnt have a
problem, but it doesn't

It can't. mm's don't exactly match up on the twips.
i'm very specific about where i want my form
elements to be.

Perhaps unchecking the "Snap to grid" option in the Format menu when the
form is in Design View will help.
Also, using VBA to move elements around the form gets complicated when i
have to state 12.678cm instead of simply 600 (pixels).

Try 7188 (or just 7200 -- it's hard to tell the difference with the naked


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