How do I change the size of a tick box



I need to make the size a a tick box larger, can anyone tell me how to do
this please?


Open the form in design view and then select the checkbox control in question
and drag the selection squares until you get the desired size. Then close
the form and confirm you wish to save your changes.


Al Campagna

I'm not sure about the new 2007, but in previous versions, there is no way to change
the size of a checkbox.
However, you can make your own...
Create a label (ex. lblChkOne), make it transparent backcolor, and transparent border.
Size it appropriately for the size checkcbox you want, set the font to Wingdings and say
18 size, and set the caption to "o".
Place your "real" checkbox field on the form, and make it invisible (ex. chkOne)
Use the Click event of lblChkOne...
chkOne = Not chkOne
If lblChkOne = "o" Then
lblChkOne = Chr(254)
lblChkOne = "o"
End If

Also, on the OnCurrent event of the form
If chkOne = True Then
lblChkOne = Chr(254)
lblChkOne = "o"
End If

This will "toggle" the label between a box with a check, and an empty box.

Al Campagna . Candia Computer Consulting . Candia, NH USA
Microsoft Access MVP

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