How do I change the thickness of a bottom boarder in Excel 2002?



In Word you can change the thickness of the line used in boarders - but I can
not change the thickness in Excel. Is there any way to do this? Thanks.

Don Guillett


Sub bottomborder()
ActiveCell.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = xlThick 'xlmedium or xlthin
End Sub

Earl Kiosterud


If you're using the toolbar buttons for borders, you have only the choices
there, including the thicknesses. For custom bordering, try Format -
Cells - Borders. The general approach is to work that dialog box from right
to left: Select the line styles, thicknesses, etc,. you want in the right
side, then click in the left side to apply the current line style to the


When I open up Format - Cells - Borders, there is no where in there to choose
the line thickness. There is a styles, which gives me one thickness of each
type of line style - where can I choose the thickness?

Earl Kiosterud


I guess I was overoptimistic in my description. There are some line styles
presented in more than one thickness (the solid line), and variants of the
dashed line in varying thicknesses, but no independent thickness selection,
per se.

Don Guillett

Earl, Did you see my post?

Sub bottomborder()
ActiveCell.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = xlThick 'xlmedium or xlthin
End Sub

Earl Kiosterud

Hi Don,

Yes, I saw your post. I was giving Dawn a non-macro way to do borders.

I've not been able use a macro to get a combination of line style and line
thickness that isn't already one of the combinations in the Format - Cells -
Borders dialog box. Is that what you're saying? I admit to not trying very
thoroughly, though. :)

For example, the second one down on the right one gives:

With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)
.LineStyle = xlSlantDashDot
.Weight = xlMedium

But if I try to get the xlSlantDashDot style in xlThick (which isn't an
available combination in the dialog box):

With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)
.LineStyle = xlSlantDashDot
.Weight = xlThick

.... it reverts to a solid line, as if it's xlContinuous.

Don Guillett

In xl2002, I couldn't find a way to make a thick border without using the
macro I supplied.

Earl Kiosterud


Isn't it the second from the bottom, right column, of Format - Cells -
Borders? I get the same results as with your macro. XL2002

Don Guillett

Yes, It is but I guess my problem came when I couldn't get it it do it. I
went back just now and selected the thick BEFORE selecting the bottom border
and THEN it worked. It SHOULD work regardless of which you select first. Oh

Earl Kiosterud


That dialog (Border) works kind of backward. You have to select your line
style and color in the right side, then apply it in the left (bottom, left,
outline, etc.). When you click in the left side, it applies whatever's
currently selected in the right side. It's not clear, and backwards. As we
say when driving through a small town, and trying to make sense of the road
signs "Ya gotta live there."

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