Hi Don,
Yes, I saw your post. I was giving Dawn a non-macro way to do borders.
I've not been able use a macro to get a combination of line style and line
thickness that isn't already one of the combinations in the Format - Cells -
Borders dialog box. Is that what you're saying? I admit to not trying very
thoroughly, though.
For example, the second one down on the right one gives:
With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)
.LineStyle = xlSlantDashDot
.Weight = xlMedium
But if I try to get the xlSlantDashDot style in xlThick (which isn't an
available combination in the dialog box):
With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)
.LineStyle = xlSlantDashDot
.Weight = xlThick
.... it reverts to a solid line, as if it's xlContinuous.