How do I change the time on my email to match my computer's time?


K Mohler

The time on my emails is 1 hour behind the time shown on my computer. How do
I change the time in Microsoft Outlook to make it match the computer time? I
have searched all over and can't find a way to do this!


K said:
The time on my emails is 1 hour behind the time shown on my computer. How
do I change the time in Microsoft Outlook to make it match the computer
time? I have searched all over and can't find a way to do this!

Check your time zone. The computer clock may show the right TIME but you may
be in the wrong time ZONE.

Michelle Brown

Actually we ran into that same problem here and it isn't an outlook issue.
You need to dble click your date and time properties that shows up on the
bottom right of your computer task bar. Switch to the Time Zone tab and
check the box at the bottom that says "Automatically adjust clock for
daylight saving changes". Windows did auto update your time for you but by
checking this box outlook will recognize the change as well.

Hope this helps.

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