grahamjcjg said:
I would like to print a two color document--black and brown. Thus, I
can use different saturations of each rgb color. How do I change the
transparency of a color shading in a table?
In the Format > Borders & Shading > Shading dialog, after choosing the RGB
color of the shading, open the Style dropdown in the Patterns section and
choose something other than "Clear" -- for example, "25%" -- and then open
the Color dropdown and choose white. As you increase the percentage in the
Style dropdown, more white pixels will be mixed with the RGB you chose,
making the shading lighter.
Conversely, selecting black in the Color dropdown and increasing the
percentage in the Style box will make a darker shade by mixing in more black
Be careful to select the correct scope in the Applies To box. In a table you
have the choice of Paragraph, Cell, or Table.
Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
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