how do i check a checkbox based on a fields data

  • Thread starter Righteous Brother
  • Start date

Righteous Brother

Hi. I have had this issue for quite some time and gave up on it actually
being possible in Word, so I hope someone can prove me wrong.

I have a word master document (assessmentform_master.doc). It is an
assessment form which was designed by our sponsors, and so cannot be changed.

In this document are 5 checkbox merge fields (ckMeasPP, ckMeasTH, ckMeasLA,
ckMeasNT and ckMeasRF).

The datasource is in Excel and has entries for these 5 fields, MeasPP,
MeasTH etc. Each of these fields contain either X or an empty cell.

When I merge the document with its datasource I want the checkboxes for each
record to be checked (If X) or unchecked (If empty cell).

I don't even know where to start. Hope someone does.


Charles Kenyon

You need to use one or more IF fields.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

See also the MVP FAQ: which is awesome!
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Righteous Brother

An if statement will not allow me to alter the checked status of a check box.

Unless you know how?

Righteous One.

Righteous Brother

IF statements will not allow me to change the checked property of a checkbox
during a mailmerge. Unless you know how?

Righteous Brother.

Charles Kenyon

No, they won't. However, they let you display a checked box if the condition
is met, and a (separate) unchecked box if it is not met.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

See also the MVP FAQ: which is awesome!
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from my ignorance and your wisdom.

Righteous Brother

Wow, how? Could you extend on that by giving me an example?

Righteous One.

Charles Kenyon

- = unchecked checkbox
x = checked checkbox

{ IF {REF "MyValue"} = "Correct" "x" "-" }
Haven't tried it with checkboxes from the Forms toolbar, but if that does't
work you could use boxes from the Symbols set. There are a number of ways to
create and use clickable checkboxes in documents / templates. Some require
protected or locked forms, others do not. Take a look at the Checkbox
template available at for an exploration
of these.

Righteous Brother

Hi Charles.

Thanks for your help - just managed to find the answer on MS website. Just
in case anybody is skin=mming around here on the same problem, heres the link.

Cheers, Thats saved me a couple of weeks work and made everybody very happy.
I am not surprized that I didn't work it out myself though because its a
workaround that would have taken me forever to see.

Heres the link:


siep san

- = unchecked checkbox
x = checked checkbox

{ IF {REF "MyValue"} = "Correct" "x" "-" }
Haven't tried it with checkboxes from the Forms toolbar, but if that does't
work you could use boxes from the Symbols set. There are a number of ways to
create and use clickable checkboxes in documents / templates. Some require
protected or locked forms, others do not.

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