How do I clear all controls on a page when the database is first opened?


Mike Matheny

Right now, the fields populate with the first record in the bound table. I
want to start out with a clean slate, and pick the customer name from my
combo box, which then populates the data after the combo box updates.

Graham Mandeno

Hi Mike

Does your form allow new records to be added? The easiest way is to go to a
new record when your form opens:

In Form_Load:
DoCmd.GotoRecord Record:=acNewRec

Another option is to open the form in data entry mode, and switch it the
first time the selection combo is used:

In cboSelect_AfterUpdate:
Dim lSavedSelection as long
lSavedSelection = cboSelect.Value
If Me.DataEntry then Me.DataEntry = False
' carry on selecting record

Note that you must save the selection value because changing the DataEntry
property will cause Form_Current to be executed, and it's usual practice to
set the selection combo value for the current record at that point.

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