How do I clear all the fields on a form?


Karen Skipper

What is the code line I need to add to the code behind a Save button to make
all of the fields on a form blank after I save?



Bruce M. Thompson

What is the code line I need to add to the code behind a Save button to make
all of the fields on a form blank after I save?

Is this form bound to a recordsource (you can scroll through records with the
navigation buttons)? If so, you can use this line of code to move to a new

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

If your form is unbound (controls are filled with code and values are saved to
table with code) you will need to go through the controls collection and set
each control to "Null" (or "", depending on what your code is looking for):

(Copy this sub to a standard module - a global module, not a module behind a
form or report.)

Public Sub subClearForm(strForm As String)
' Comments : Clears form's data controls
' Parameters: strForm - the form's Name
' Created : 11/06/03 10:47 Bruce M. Thompson
' Modified :
' --------------------------------------------------

'Ignore errors
On Error Resume Next

Dim ctl As Control
'Cycle through form's control collection and
' clear data controls
For Each ctl In Forms(strForm).Controls
ctl.Value = Null

End Sub

Call as follows:
subClearForm (Me.Name)

Karen Skipper

Thanks Bruce.

Again you've come to my rescue. I'll get the hang of this programming bit
sooner or later.


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