If I open a .Word document by double clicking on the file a window states
"The command cannot be performed because a dialog box is open. Click OK, and
then close open dialog boxes to continue'. When OK is clicked the document
opens. However if I close the particular document and then open another
document, this message does not apper, even though if I were to open that
second document by double clicking the message appears. Can anyone assist me
in getting rid of this message. I am using Word 2003. Thanking you
"The command cannot be performed because a dialog box is open. Click OK, and
then close open dialog boxes to continue'. When OK is clicked the document
opens. However if I close the particular document and then open another
document, this message does not apper, even though if I were to open that
second document by double clicking the message appears. Can anyone assist me
in getting rid of this message. I am using Word 2003. Thanking you