How do I combine two SendObjects to send out in one email?



I am trying to combine two SendObjects in a Macro to email out only one
output rather than two outputs (One file is an excel file the other is a
report file).

Steve Schapel


This is not possible, directly. The closest you will get is to do this...
1. Do your first output using a OutputTo action, which will save the
file to your hard disk.
2. Do the second output with the SendObject action, and set the Edit
Message argument in the macro to Yes, which will have the email open in
your email client prior to sending.
3. Manually attach the first outputted file to the email message.
4. Send email.

Kernow Girl

Hi KC - my previous reply seems to have vanished! Ah Well. Create a blank
report and Insert/Object/Create From File / Link - then browse and find the
..xls. Create another blank report and put in 2 sub-reportsm, the one you just
created and the other one you want to send.
In the macro do the OutputTo to update the .xls, then do a second and Output
the report to the email. Works for me, but may need some formatting.

Hope this helps - Dika

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