Help on formula
I got four columns of stored list of addresses and dates (two for address
and two for dates) which I want to match against each other. The formats of
those columns are in example below
Column A
10 V Street
Colum B
Column C
12 DEC
EC 2009
Column D
10 V Street
I want column A and D matched as is and the column B’s first two digits (12)
and last four digits (2009) should be matched with column C’s first two
digits (12) and the last four digits (2009). If they are not the same it
should appear differently (may be red text). Any help on this will greatly
I got four columns of stored list of addresses and dates (two for address
and two for dates) which I want to match against each other. The formats of
those columns are in example below
Column A
10 V Street
Colum B
Column C
12 DEC
Column D
10 V Street
I want column A and D matched as is and the column B’s first two digits (12)
and last four digits (2009) should be matched with column C’s first two
digits (12) and the last four digits (2009). If they are not the same it
should appear differently (may be red text). Any help on this will greatly