How do I compare two tables, then add and delete based on one?



Using Access 2000, how can I compare two tables for differences and then
print our the changes?
Trying to update physcian records for volunteer work I'm doing at a hospital.


Karl, thanks. Could you give me more details on what you said? I will load
both tables then what? I am not sure if that is posting. How do I get into
the compare mode to define the fields I want compared.
Thanks for your patience.


By "post" I mean for you to tell us your table structure - like this --
DocID - autonumber - primary key
LName - text
FName - text
etc - as approproate

Patient --
PatientID - autonumber - primary key
LName - text
FName - text
Sex - interger - 0-2 - for option group 0 - unknown 1 - male 2 - female
BirthDate - datetime field
etc - as appropriate

Visit --
VisitID - autonumber - primary key
PatientID - number - interger -forigen key
DocID - number - interger -forigen key
InDate - datetime
OutDate - datetime
BP1 - number - interger
BP2 - number - interger
Temp - number - interger
Remarks - memo
etc - as appropriate

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