SP-2 adds several security and stability fixes to Office, as well as removes
patent infringing abilities - if you are a largish corporation, you would be
well advised to install SP-2, if for nothing else than the patent issue.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
After furious head scratching, Mike Whitehead asked:
| Dear Milly
| I'm so very sorry that I didn't explain myself properly.
| Throughout February we were having a problem with the computer
| hanging up
| and programs not responding. The full story is at
| Looking back through our records, we had been running successfully for
| several months without any service packs, and then for several more
| months with SP1 installed.
| Installing SP2 was one of several things we did at about the time we
| started to get the problem of the computer hanging up and programs
| not responding. It wasn't necessarily SP2 that was causing the
| problem, but it was a possibility. We got so frustrated with the
| problem that we reformatted the hard disk and reinstalled Windows,
| and the problem appears to have gone away.
| But since the installation of SP2 occurred at about the time the
| problems started, I am naturally wary about reinstalling it now.
| I accept that your advice would be to install SP2, but I am
| interested in
| the risks of *not* installing it. I believe that SP2 is a bundle of
| previous updates; we have now reinstalled all the updates that
| Microsoft have suggested, except for SP2, so I guess we have probably
| installed most of the individual updates that are bundled in SP2.
| We are well protected with Norton Internet Security 2005, Webroot Spy
| Sweeper and Lavasoft AdAware SE Personal (we also have Spybot Search &
| Destroy but I have been advised to uninstall it because of a conflict
| with Spy Sweeper), so what are we missing by not going the whole hog
| and installing SP2?
| Regards, Mike
| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|| I always recommend installing all available SPs and patches. You
|| never answered my question - what is the problem you encounter(ed)
|| using SP-1 or 2?
|| --ÂÂ
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
|| unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
|| reading.
|| After furious head scratching, Mike Whitehead asked:
||| Dear Milly
||| We haven't heard from you in response to my posting of Feb 28, so I
||| guess I put it in the wrong place, so here it is again -
||| Dear Milly, sorry to be so long in getting back to you.
||| Looking back through our records, we have been running successfully
||| with SP1 installed for several months. Installing SP2 was one of
||| several things we did at about the time we started to get the
||| problem of programs not responding / hanging up, so it wasn't
||| necessarily SP2 that was causing the problem.
||| However we got so frustrated with the problem that we have
||| reformatted the hard disk and reinstalled Windows, so hope the
||| problem has gone away.
||| But I'd still like to hear your views on whether we should install
||| SP2 again. Since we reinstalled Office 2003 after reinstalling
||| Windows, the Auto Update has offered us loads of updates, so we
||| have installed them all except SP2. I don't want to install SP2 if
||| it is going to cause problems again. We are well protected
||| security-wise because we have Norton Internet Security 2005,
||| Webroot Spy Sweeper, Lavasoft AdAware SE and Spybot Search &
||| Destroy, and we keep them all up to date. So what will we be
||| missing out on if we don't
||| install SP2?
||| I look forward to hearing from you.
||| Regards, Mike
||| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|||| User DATA is usually never the problem. If you reinstall Office
|||| 2003 without any Service Packs, does it work as you expect? What
|||| happens after SP-1? After SP-2?
|||| --
|||| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|||| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
|||| unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted
|||| without reading.
|||| After furious head scratching, Mike Whitehead asked:
||||| Dear Milly
||||| Many thanks. Please can you advise me what to do next -
||||| - Am I barking up the wrong tree, ie. am I wrong in thinking that
||||| deleting all my User Data will help me get rid of the problem?
||||| - If I am right, and getting rid of my User Data will help me get
||||| rid of the problem, can you please advise me where I can find
||||| them, what they are called etc, so that I can delete them? I know
||||| about .pst files but I don't know about any of the others.
||||| Regards, Mike
||||| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|||||| Uninstalling Office never touches any customizations or files.
|||||| They are all left as you can see from your experience. Your
|||||| normal.dot, .pst files, etc. are not touched since they are
|||||| considered User Data and belong to you, not the program.
|||||| --
|||||| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|||||| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
|||||| unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted
|||||| without reading.
|||||| After furious head scratching, Mike Whitehead asked:
||||||| Dear all
||||||| I am running MS Office SE 2003 and Windows XP Home Edition with
||||||| SP2.
||||||| After I downloaded and installed Service Pack 2 for Office 2003
||||||| I started having problems with various programs not responding /
||||||| hanging up. I suspected it could be something to do with the
||||||| Office SP2 so I tried to repair Office using the Repair option
||||||| in Add/Remove Programs. The repair failed partway through
||||||| installation from the Office 2003 disk.
||||||| I uninstalled Office and reinstalled it. I expected to see a
||||||| 'clean' version of Word, for example, ie. with all the default
||||||| settings, but I was surprised that all the customisation I had
||||||| done before, eg. on the Toolbars in Word, were still there.
||||||| i suspected that the problem that caused the malfunctions was
||||||| still on the computer, so after uninstalling Office again I
||||||| deleted the Office Setup Files from the Windows XP Disk Cleanup
||||||| facility. I also did a search on 'office' in Windows Explorer
||||||| and deleted the folders that contained 'office' but did not
||||||| appear to be associated with any other applications. However
||||||| when I reinstalled Office from the disk the customisations were
||||||| still there!
||||||| How can I completely uninstall Office 2003 so that when I
||||||| reinstall it it appears as though this is the first time I have
||||||| installed it?
||||||| Please can you help. Regards, Mike