In calculating the return of an investment, the regularity of the data is
immaterial. The only thing that matters is cash flow. When you invest $1000
and a year later have $1100, you've made 10%. It doesn't matter what values
the investment had during the year.
Put the dates and the cash flows in two ranges then feed this to XIRR. It
will calculate the return.
I have two columns: date and value of an investment on that date.
I want to select a date and compute the rate of return on the investment
the prior year leading up to the selected date. Is there a possible for
Anything is possible; but it might be difficult. If I understand you
correctly, the difficulty might be finding the value of the investment
a year before the chosen date. The difficulty depends on the
regularity of the data.
Do you have daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly data or something
like that? Or do you have values on irregular dates?
Suppose you have quarterly data starting in row 2, with A2 being the
date and B2 the value. Then in C6, the annual percentage growth is B6/
B2 - 1. (Format as Percentage). If you copy that formula down, it
will compute the annual percentage growth for each date.
If you have something different in mind, you might want to explain in
more detail.