how do I convert a graphic into a symbol?



Though Ii can use a graphic as a bullet I am severely limited in its use in a
text box, or placment anywhere or font and color changes if word recognizes
it as picture. how do i make it into a symbol (eg like a wingding) so I can
be free to insert it anywhere without limitations

Jay Freedman

Though Ii can use a graphic as a bullet I am severely limited in its use in a
text box, or placment anywhere or font and color changes if word recognizes
it as picture. how do i make it into a symbol (eg like a wingding) so I can
be free to insert it anywhere without limitations

There's a character editor built into Windows (XP and Vista) called
eudcedit.exe. For brief instructions, see

If that doesn't suit you, check Google for "font editor". There are free ones
and commercial ones, with an assortment of features.

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