How do I convert pictures to jpeg and not get a black background?



When I create an oject or picture by grouping text and other imported jpg
files, I cannot then save that as it's own file. How does one do that in
Word?? I tried it in Power Point and it changed the background to black once
it was converted and viewed in the folder or other software. Thanks


Best solution - do your creative artwork in a program designed for editing
graphics, *not* in a word processing program. Neither Word nor PPT can save
in graphics formats, just like Photoshop can't save its work as a text file.

Others will offer some workarounds, but there is no guarantee how the
results will turn out.


OK...all Micros Soft Provides in the basic package is Paint...which is
probably THE worst imaging software. Any suggestions for the best software
that isn't too expensive? Any free downloads online? Thanks!

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Microsoft PhotoEditor comes with some versions of Office, and it can save in
graphic formats.

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