Hi Jan,
Using Word 2007, I:
.. created a table, via Insert|Table
.. clicked outside the table then clicked back inside it (neither step necessary, but confirms what happens when you click on a cell
within a table)
.. clicked the "Layout" tab on the 'Table Tools" 'menu' that becomes visible once you've clicked on a table cell
.. clicked 'convert to text' then OK
Table was converted to text.
[MVP - Microsoft Word]
Jan said:
Hi macropod, I tried your solution without success. In Office 2007 there is
no Layout in the drop down menu for tables. Any other thoughts?
macropod said:
Hi Jan,
Put the cursor inside the table, then click Table Tools|Layout|Convert to Text.
[MVP - Microsoft Word]
Jan said:
I can find the command - Convert text to table but not to convert table to
text. Please could you help me with the matter.