How do I copy the front end database to the second PC?



I'm new with Access and I have an Access Database 2007. I did split my
database to be front end and back end and linking them together with "Link
Table Manager" for sharing files with other workers. I guess the next step I
shold do is copying the front end database to the second PC. so the question
is "How do I copy the front end to the second pc?" after copying it to the
second pc, I do need to link it to the back end database by using "Link Table
Manager" again, don't I? Thank you for your kind help.

Jeff Boyce


An Access front-end is just another file. If you've already linked to the
back-end from your front-end file, copying that file to the other PC(s) will

1) if the other PC(s) don't have Access, it won't run (you'll either have
to buy/install Access or install the runtime on those PCs
2) if the other PC(s) don't have the same "mapping" as the original PC,
they won't be able to "see" the back-end.
3) the folks on the other PC(s) MUST have read/write permissions on the LAN
folder in which the back-end resides.

One solution to #2 is that all PCs use the same mapping to the LAN. A
better solution is that you use the UNC mapping convention when you do the
original linking. This way, the other PC(s) should ALWAYS be able to see
the back-end.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP


Thank you so much, Jeff. But I don't exactly understand the whole thing you
said. Do I have to "map a network Drive" on the first computer and put my
database back end in that network share folder? Is that the same thing as UNC
that you told me. if not, how can I find UNC mapping convention? Thanks
again for your kind support

Best regards,

Jeff Boyce


The back-end lives somewhere on the LAN. How does your front-end know where
the back-end data is?

If YOUR PC uses drive letter R: to map to the location of the back-end file,
then EVERY PC will have to map a drive letter R: to that same location.
This isn't always possible.

The UNC mapping uses the server's "true name", rather than a personally-set
drive letter. Try searching on-line for UNC for more details about it, but
the bottom line is:
* start with your PC's front-end
* use Tools | Database... | Linked Table Manager
* check the box for respecifying location; check all the tables you'll
be re-linking
* when it comes time to drill down to where the back-end file is
located, DO NOT use the drive letter!
* instead, navigate to the Entire Network, and down from there until you
get to the back-end file -- this uses the server's true name and path,
instead of the drive letter. Any other PCs using a copy of the front-end
will be able to see the back-end data without mapping.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

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