how do I count checkmarks in excel?


Jack Weinstein

I am doing an attendance sheet to record college students'
acivities (I am a college professor). I have been entering
numeric values, one for present, two for absent. But I
want to just use checkmarks. The problem is, I don't know
how to add up the number of checks. How do I insert a
check box in a particular cell (with a series of twenty-
thirty checkmarks in a row)? I think I have that figured
out, but I may be doing it incorreclty. Then hoow do I
have, listed, in the last cell of the row, how many checks
are in the boxes?

Paul B

Jack, insted of check boxs how about this, you could format your cells as
Marlett then type the letter a, this will put a check mark in the cell and
then just count the number of a's like this =COUNTIF(A1:A10,"a"). you could
also use a macro that would put the check mark in the cell when you click in
Paul B
Always backup your data before trying something new
Using Excel 2000 & 97
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If you want to make it a point and click feature without
using a macro, you could use a data validation drop down
list with the tick (checkmark).


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