how do i count using two criteria



I have varying dates in D:D and different names in F:F such as

5/1/09 splmd2
6/1/09 armd4b
12/01/09 carbdp

the names repeat as wil some of the dates.
I have tried different ways to count...I want to know how may splmd2 (or
whatever names are in the column) do I have that fall in a range greater than
a specific date. Like
=Countif D:D >+=G1(a date to be determined in that cell) and if F:F=H1 (one
of the names listed above)


Try this.
Note that you can only use D:D & F:F in Excel 2007. If using an earlier
version, specify a range.
Hope this helps.

David Biddulph

Or just =SUMPRODUCT((D2:D25>=D25)*(F2:F25=F3)) as you don't need a double
unary minus if you are multiplying with *.

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